Francisco da Conceição Menezes High School
Teacher: Walmir Date: December 13th, 2011.
Grade (série/turma)________________ Level 7
A) Explique que o futuro going to é formado assim: sujeito + verbo auxiliar to be (am, is, are) + partícula GOING TO + verbo principal. Lembre que se o verbo auxiliar vai concordar com o sujeito, se o sujeito for I o auxiliar será am, ou seja I am.
1ª) Identifique as frases que estão no futuro GOING TO do verbo to be, para isso marque um (X) na resposta certa.[1,5]
01(__)- I am going to work in my garden
02(__)- She is going to work in my house
03(__)- I will work in her garden
04(__)- You are going to listen to his TV show.
05(__)- You will listen to her son
06(__)- He is going to talk with Peter
07(__)- Peter will talk with Mary
08(__)- Mary will talk with us
B) Aqui vamos tartar do future com will, que aquele formado com a inclusão da partícula Will. Assim: sujeito + Will partícula + verbo principal. Fácil!
2ª) Identifique as frases que estão no futuro GOING TO do verbo to be, para isso marque um (X) na resposta certa.[1,5]
01(__)- I am going to work in my garden
02(__)- She is going to work in my house
03(__)- I will work in her garden
04(__)- You are going to listen to his TV show.
05(__)- You will listen to her son
06(__)- He is going to talk with Peter
07(__)- Peter will talk with Mary
08(__)- Mary will talk with us
C) Estudamos que o present continuous tense, ou present progressive tem a seguinte estrutura: sujeito + verbo auxiliary to be no presente (am, is, are) + verbo principal + ing, em seguida o complemento. Uma dica sempre terá ing acrescido ao verbo. Com base na leitura com atenção da explicação responda as questões 3 e 4.
3ª) Marque um (X) para Identificar as frases que estão no present continuous tense ou present progressive.(PRESENTE.[1,5]
01(__)- I am working in my garden
02(__)- She is working in my house
03(__)- I was working in her garden
04(__)- You are listening to his TV show.
05(__)- You were listening to her son
06(__)- He is talking with Peter
07(__)- Peter was talking with Mary
08(__)- Mary was talking with us.
4ª) Marque um (X) para Identificar as frases que estão no past continuous tense ou past progressive.(PASSADO)[1,5]
01(__)- I am working in my garden
02(__)- She is working in my house
03(__)- I was working in her garden
04(__)- You are listening to his TV show.
05(__)- You were listening to her son
06(__)- He is talking with Peter
07(__)- Peter was talking with Mary
08(__)- Mary was talking with us.
5ª) Copie uma das músicas estudadas durante o ano [1,0]
6ª) Fale da semana da consciência negra ou do halloween ou da gincana virtual de inglês. [1,0]
Obs: 2,0 pontos participação em atividades como: clip de inglês. Gincana virtual de inglês, halloween e consciência negra.
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se colocar um gabarito ficaria melhor , mas está muito bom.