Respeite o idoso. Lembre que um dia você ficará idoso e vai querer ser respeitado.

quarta-feira, 8 de setembro de 2010

Avaliação 7a série FCM 2010 3a unidade

TEACHER WALMIR – DATE _____/______/______ - GRADE(SÉRIE)________

A) Assinale a alternativa que corretamente completa o simple present tense afirmativa das frases abaixo.
01- I ___________________ (work) in my house
a) work b) works c) do not work d) NRA

02- I ___________________ (work) in my garden
a) works b) work c) do not work d) NRA

03- You ___________________ (listen) to your TV show.
a) listen b) listens c) are listening d) NRA

04- You ___________________ (listen) to your son
a) are listening b) are going to listen c) listens d) NRA

05- He ___________________ (talk) with Peter
a) is going to talking b) is talking c) talks d) NRA

06- Peter ___________________ (talk) with Mary
a) is going to talk b) is talking c) talks d) NRA

07- Mary ___________________ (talk) with us
a) is going to talk b) is talking c) talks d) NRA

B) Assinale a alternative que corretamente completa o past simple ou simple past tense afirmativa das frases abaixo.
08- I ___________________ (work) in my house
a) was working b) were working c) worked d) NRA

09- I ___________________ (work) in my garden
a) am working b) were working c) was worked d) NRA

10- You ___________________ (listen) to your TV show.
a) was listening b) were listening c) listened d) NRA

11- You ___________________ (listen) to your son
a) was listening b) were listening c) listened d) NRA

12- He ___________________ (talk) with Peter
a) was talking b) were talking c) talked d) NRA

13- Peter ___________________ (talk) with Mary
a) was talking b) were talking c) talked d) NRA

14- Mary ___________________ (talk) with us
a) talked b) were talking c) are talking d) NRA

C) Assinale a alternative que corretamente responde a forma do PASSADO do verbo to be. Atenção só escolha uma letra certa.
15) Nina and Ademildes ________ not headmistresses
a) am b) is c) are d) was e) were f) NRA

16) Hortensia and Zenilda ________ headmistresses
a) am b) is c) are d) was e) were f) NRA

17) today __________ Sunday
a) am b) is c) are d) was e) were f) NRA

18) ___________today Wednesday?
a) am b) is c) are d) was e) were f) NRA

19) ___________ today Friday?
a) am b) is c) are d) was e) were f) NRA

20) We____ good friends.
a) am b) is c) are d) was e) were f) NRA

21) Coloque V para verdadeiro e F para falso
1. (___) t-shirt = camiseta
2. (___) shorts = short
3. (___) shirt = camisa,
4.. (___) tie = gravata,
5. (___) jacket = jaqueta
6. (___) trousers = calça(s),pants (USA)
7. (___) blazer =paletó
a) Todas verdadeiras
b) Todas falsas
c) verdadeiras: 1, 3, 5, 7
d) falsas: 2, 4, 6, 7
e) NRA

D) Assinale com um círculo de modo a traduzir os vocábulos abaixo.
22- spinach
a) berinjela b) cebolinha c) agrião d) abobrinha e) aspargos f) espinafre

23- spring /onion
a) berinjela b) cebolinha c) agrião d) abobrinha e) aspargos f) espinafre

24- watercress
a) berinjela b) cebolinha c) agrião d) abobrinha e) aspargos f) espinafre

25- zucchini
a) berinjela b) cebolinha c) agrião d) abobrinha e) aspargos f) espinafre

26- asparagus
a) berinjela b) cebolinha c) agrião d) abobrinha e) aspargos f) espinafre

27- eggplant
a) berinjela b) cebolinha c) agrião d) abobrinha e) aspargos f) espinafre

5,0= 27 ACERTOS
4,0= 26 ACERTOS
3,0= DE 20 ATÉ 25 ACERTOS
2,0= DE 17 ATÉ 22 ACERTOS
1,0= DE 10 ATÉ 16 ACERTOS
0,5= DE 01 ATÉ 09 ACERTOS

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