Respeite o idoso. Lembre que um dia você ficará idoso e vai querer ser respeitado.

segunda-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2014

Atividade Recuperação 6o Ano 2013 Letivo

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Apostila orientação para recuperação de inglês professor Walmir [aqui] _______________________________________________________HIGH SCHOOL
TEACHER: WALMIR - GRADE_____ (sua série ou ano) 6o ano (5ª série)
DATE: January,__________, 2014.
Código de RecArquivamento2013/6oano/ 511224/66REC
TEXTO 01: The Trip
Hi, folks. I am Jeff. Today is our first trip to Manaus. I am videotaping our trip. Right now, dad and mon are visiting the cathedral. My sisters Clara and Anna are at the store. They are buying souvenirs.

My cousin, Louis, is eating lunch over there. Dad is taking pictures with his new camera and I am visiting the museum.

Manus is a great city! Bye!!!
TEXTO 02: At The Airport
These people are going to Curitiba. They are going there by plane. They are at the airport. Mr. kent is reading a magazine. Diane is his wife. She is not reading. She is writing a postcard to her friend.

Simone is Diane’s aunt. She is waiting for the plane at the store. She is buying a film for her camera.

The plane is going to Curitiba at 11:00 am. Mr. and Mrs. Kent’s daughter is not going to Curitiba by plane. She is going by bus.
TEXTO 03A Picture
 (L. 1)Look at the picture! It is a picture of a family. There are seven people in this picture in this
(L. 2) picture. There are two men in this picture. They are: Daniel and Miguel. There are (L. 3)
 three women in this picture, too. They are Kátia, Pat and Débora. There are (L. 4)
children in this picture: a boy and a girl. There are six chairs in this picture. There (L. 5)
 is one table and one stool in this picture.
1) O que trata cada texto, lembre de assinalar apenas um alternativa certa
a) os três textos tratam de músicas
b) O texto 01 fala de uma viagem à Manaus,
c) Texto 02 viagem a Curitiba,
d) Já o texto 03 sobre fotos de família,
e) As alternativas B, C, e D estão corretas.

2) Em que texto as pessoas vão a Curitiba de avião
a) At the airport
b) The trip
c) A picture
d) As alternativas A e C estão certas
e) as alternativas B e C estão certas
3)Nos retratos há fotos de Daniel, Miguel e Débora.
a) A picture
b) At the airport
c) The trip
d) As alternativas A e C estão certas
e) as alternativas B e C estão certas

4) Quais textos possuem o auxiliary to be na formação de sentenças no present continuous tense.
a) Somente o texto “A picture”
b) Nos três textos: “A picture”, “At the airport” e “The trip”
c) Somente os textos: “At the airport” e “The trip”
d) As alternativas A e C estão certas
e) as alternativas B e C estão certas

5) O verbo there to be possui as formas there is e there are, portanto qual dos textos traz frases nesta estrutura.
a) Nos três textos: “A picture”, “At the airport” e “The trip”
b) Somente o texto “A picture”
c) Somente os textos: “At the airport” e “The trip”
d) As alternativas A e C estão certas
e) as alternativas B e C estão certas

6) “The plane is going to Curitiba at 11:00 am”, podemos traduzir como:
a) O avião decola as 22 horas para Curitiba
b) O avião vai para Curitiba as 11 da manha, porém antes passa pela Bahia,
c) O avião não vai para Curitiba às 11 horas da manhã
d) O avião vai para Curitiba às 11 horas da manhã
e) as alternativas B e C estão certas
Frequência nas aulas de recuperação - 0,5
Responder exercício + fazer pesquisa  3,5
Avaliação (prova final)-------------------6,0
Fez a pesquisa gramática [___] sim [___] não- Nota_______
Respondeu exercícios---- [___] sim  [___] não- Nota_______
Assistiu as aulas recupera[___] sim [___] não____________
Nota da prova de recuperação----------------_______________
► Complete o texto certo.
(L. 1)Look at the picture! It is a picture of a family. _____________________________
.____________________ in this picture in this
(L. 2) picture. There are two men in this picture. They __________________________
____________________________. There are (L. 3)
 three women in this picture, too. They are Kátia, Pat and Débora. There are (L. 4)
children in this picture: a boy and a girl. There _______________________________. There (L. 5) is one table and one stool in this picture.


Boa pesquisa

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